Directions to Glen Echo
How to get to Glen Echo, the location of Bumpers practices.
The Dagger Prese of
Achille Marozzo Transcribed by Steven Reich (5.3 Mb PDF).
The plates for the Dagger Prese from the 1536 edition and transcriptions of the text
from both the 1536 and 1568 editions of Marozzo.
An Introduction to the
Fundamentals of Bolognese Swordsmanship By Steven Reich (530 Kb PDF).
The pre-class handout for Steve's Bolognese track at 4W 2008. This handout covers the fundamentals
such as the guards, attacks, and steps.
Spadone Guards Compiled by
Steven Reich (1.44 Mb PDF).
All 20 of the plates illustrating the Guards for the Spadone (Sword for Two Hands) extracted
from the 1536 and 1568 editions of Marozzo.